Back in the Saddle Again

I have heard from several of you that I need to put a new blog entry out here, so here it is!  We successfully returned on Friday afternoon and have been busy trying to catch up on sleep, tell our stories, return emails, check voicemails, and re-acquaint ourselves with our families. 

The trip was beyond amazing; the life-change that will happen in us is truly transformational and we are believing for cool things in East Central Minnesota and the end result in Kivuruga, Rwanda. 

I’m not sure how to summarize other than saying the following things:

* The World Vision infrastructure, leadership, and volunteer commitment is off-the-charts.  I have come back an even greater advocate for the work they are doing than when I left.  We were able to see and ask questions about the entire program from where the sponsorship dollars go, to how sponsored children are cared for, the vision for the future including area priorities, etc. As an MBA holder in Non-Profit Management I was looking for certain things which were there with intentionality and excellence. I left there a huge World Vision advocate.

* I have a huge sense of hope. I’m not returning with just brutal stories of devastation and poverty (although they are there), but I’m returning that this community has a lot of assets (in its people, resources, land) that if resourced and developed, can become more productive & sustainable to increase dramatically the overall standard of living (without Westernizing them).  I believe we can see the life expectancy move past the 40s and infant mortality be reduced from 15%; I believe we can see more than 47% of children being educated beyond primary school.  I believe we can see an establishment of an economic framework which will lead to greater nutrition, water, health, education, and HIV & AIDS prevention.  I’m hopeful for Kivuruga.

Those key issues along with my own personal transformation provide the summary for the trip (at this point). Certainly there are a billion sub-bullets and details, but wanted to share my key learnings at this point.  Thanks so, so much for your support and encouragement.  Invite everyone to December 3rd, 6:30pm at Spectacular Events in Isanti, Minnesota (about 1 mile East of Highway 65 on County Road 5).  There will be cookies and coffee served (no supper) and there will be a chance at the end to sponsor a child in Kivuruga.

2 Responses to Back in the Saddle Again

  1. Paul Blom says:

    Glad to have you back, safe and sound. Thank you Jesus.

  2. Lorraine Conner says:

    Thank you for this update. It is so encouraging to hear about the impact World Vision is having and the hopes and reality of life in Kivuruga. I pray for the children and pray that many people will come to sponsor the boys and girls of Kivuruga. I started to send letters to Clementine and have received my first letter from her this week!

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