
Greetings blog followers… what a crazy & transformational month of November culminating in a sweet event on Thursday night (12/3).  The month started on November 1st (coincidentally) by heading to the airport to leave for Africa, was followed by a 13-day dynamic trip to Kenya & Rwanda, and then a couple of weeks of catching up on life, telling the stories of Africa, and trying to build momentum for Our Response.  Much of what we did throughout November was heading toward our public, community-wide kickoff that happened this past Thursday.  And we left that night FIRED UP!  123 people attended; 21 children sponsored; over 50 contact cards filled out with people wanting to keep up-to-date on what is happening, wanting to volunteer, and even 10 more people wanting to be contacted about sponsoring a child that did not on Thursday.  There was so much energy in the room once we ended, with many people sticking around quite a while to talk about our efforts in Rwanda.

As we cast our vision for Our Response, we were shooting for 100 sponsorships by the end of the year… no, not THIS year… but by the end of 2010!  Now with about 70 child sponsorships, we are planning to blow that goal out of the water and more that number much higher sooner.  This has been very affirming that, as a community, the time is right to come together in this effort.

We have a few loose ends to tie up with calling people back, sending thank you notes, and developing teams but we are planning to let the rest of Christmas be a time of celebrating the season with our families & friends before looking at how we can ramp things up again in the new year.  To those of you who have been an integral part of this effort, thank you.  To those of you who have offered their kind words & encouragement, thank you.  To those who have come alongside this effort financially in helping us get to Rwanda, thank you.  To those of you who have felt compelled to sponsor a child and join the efforts in that way, thank you.  To those who have already volunteered in helping make things happen, thank you.  To those of you (especially youth) who have gotten angry about our system of unbalanced economics, thank you.  To those of you who are concerned about the emergency situation facing Africa and, specifically in Kivuruga, Rwanda, thank you.  To those of you who are just getting interested and informed about what is happening and what Our Response is, thank you.  To those of you who have ever stopped to help someone in need, whether it be in Africa, here in East Central Minnesota, or anywhere in between, thank you. 

Now, with the context and struggle of Kivuruga, Rwanda as our benchmark, may we recognize the amazing blessings of our lives here in our community over this Christmas season.  Thank you for allowing me to help us come together in this way.

4 Responses to Whirlwind…

  1. Lorraine Conner says:

    Yes! Yes! Yes! 70+ children with sponsors. Christmas is a time of giving. I am praying that more and more will consider sponsoring a child from Kivuruga. It is so encouraging to hear what your community is doing for this village and for the children. Blessings to All. Lorraine

  2. Jason Doan says:

    I’m encouraged to hear that the community-wide kickoff went well. May God continue to kick up this wave.

  3. teaspoon celly says:

    haha! The momentum is really moving! It’s so exciting to be a part of justice and to be a part alongside a lot of pumped up, pissed off people. I can be okay with saying that because my own anger and frustration after awareness was raised has spurred me on to take action. Thanks be to God for the fire He’s lighting up in everyone’s hearts and hands who’s involved with Our Response! May we continue to be faithful with all the little things God puts on our plates and may we know that He will give us more to take care of and use for His kingdom come and His will be done here on planet earth. Seek, do justice, love mercy and walk humbly. Shalom my brothers and sisters!

  4. stevefredlund says:

    thanks for the engagement crew… all 3 of you who commented fire me up as I think about the encouragement we have been receiving and the real sense that there is a movement afoot.

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