Out of the chair

Our Response is about getting out of the chair; it’s about raising awareness of the issues and equipping people to respond in some way.  We are going to Rwanda this November to formally launch this community-wide effort and welcome you to partner with us in making that happen.   For some it may be a financial involvement; for others it may be raising awareness of the efforts and the issues in Africa; for others it may be starting by caring about this issues.  The following excerpts if from “Red Letters: Living a Faith that Bleeds” by Tom Davis…

“Too often, we sit on the sidelines, waiting for some grand sign from God that we’re supposed to get into the game.  When that lightning doesn’t strike, we shrug our shoulders and think, I guess God doesn’t need me here.  Meanwhile, as we sit in our recliners, drumming our fingers and waiting for that burning-bush experience, people all around the world are crying out for  help.  Crying out for a miracle.  Maybe you don’t have something so grand as an answer for their poverty or cure for their diseas.  But you can offer them something else, something that is just as much of a miracle: hope.

But first, we have to get up out of the chair.  When we decide to move, our eyes are suddenly opened.  It doesn’t take a burning-bush experience to see Jesus in the eyes of those suffering from HIV/AIDS in Africa…”

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